What is a telehealth eye test?
A Telehealth eye test is an eye test that can be provided from the comfort of your own home. A Telehealth eye test can determine if your eye care needs can be fully addressed remotely, resolve any eye-related concerns for you may have and determine the next best steps if further testing is required.
What happens during a Telehealth eye test?
During a Telehealth eye test, we are able to perform many elements of a standard eye test. By listening closely to your concerns, signs and symptoms you are experiencing with your eyes as well as your general health, we are able to find out if we can resolve all your concerns in the Telehealth eye exam just like if you were visiting us in practice. If the Telehealth eye test determines that we need to check your eyes in person, we can then direct you to how we can do that for you as safely as possible, taking the necessary precautions in practice to ensure your safety in this COVID-19 situation.
How much will a Telehealth eye test cost?
A Telehealth eye exam will cost $30 for a short consultation and $60 for an extended consultation. At present, there is no bulk billing for this service, but if this changes in future we may be able to offer it bulk billed by Medicare.
How do I book an exam?
To book a Telehealth eye test with one of our team of friendly optometrists, please email teleoptometrists@georgeandmatilda.com.au or call 1300 056 225.